Please check back as we are updating this page with more information.

Thank you for visiting our Saint Robert’s Youth Ministry Website. We hope you will get to know us a bit by viewing the pages of our website. We invite you to contact us if you have any questions, interest in finding out more, or getting involved…

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We hope to find caring and supportive adults to serve as mentors and/or volunteers. We are calling out to all of you, young adults, in-betweeners, and older adults to be a part of our youth ministry in any way you can…

Please contact our Youth Ministry Coordinator, Travis Wingate at

Young Adult Ministry:

We are excited to announce that we are creating a Young Adult Ministry at St. Robert's. All Young Adults, please contact Travis Wingate or our office for interest and information.

  • We will have a combination of opportunities to connect virtually and in-person, in compliance with all safety measures for everyone.

Please contact our Youth Ministry Coordinator, Travis Wingate at

Who we are…

In 2021, Saint Robert Youth Ministry was been (re)launched by a dynamic youth ministry team; our young youth ministry leaders and adult supporters, and our Youth Ministry Coordinator- Travis Wingate. Our pastor, Father Arnold Zamora expressed his value of our youth and led the path to bring back a strong focus and energy in developing a positive, spiritual, and youth-centered platform for our parish.

We are dedicated to creating a space to prepare our youth for life and leadership that embodies spirituality; devotion to God and faith, important life skills, and service. We offer a positive environment and sense of belonging in addition to the immediate family.

We are excited to offer many fulfilling and meaningful activities and experiences...

Why did you join the St. Robert Youth Ministry...

"I joined the youth ministry because I wanted to help and give back to people in my community." - James Bourdet

"I wanted to join in on some after-school activities with others." - Nathan Del Rosario

"After I went to the first youth ministry meeting, I was extremely happy. I also never knew how much of an impact youth ministry would have on my life." - Camila Gomez

"I joined the youth ministry to be more involved in the parish." - Dean Michael Bautista

"I wanted to join the youth ministry because I thought it would be very fun and I was able to make more friends. I was especially happy that I have gotten closer to God through youth ministry." - Tara Buckley

"I joined the youth ministry because when I went to the first meeting, I was very inspired to continue to get involved and invite others into this family." - Brandon Collins

"I joined the youth ministry because I knew that I would have the opportunity to get to meet others and interact with new people who may want to get involved as well." - Tamer Muhawieh

A Note From Youth Ministry Coordinator, Travis Wingate...

Welcome to you all, our dear youth. I'm excited to connect with and meet you. You are all very valuable and I believe you can do great things in the world, with the many Blessings and gifts God has given you. We already have great things planned ahead and some wonderful kids raring to go, as well as some equally amazing adult role models who want to support. We will have different programs, events, and opportunities for all age levels under 18; High school Age, Middle School, and younger grades. Always feel free to approach me and introduce yourself or contact me if you have any questions or would simply like to connect. And to our adult community who wish to support our youth, we value and appreciate what you have to share. Please don't hesitate in reaching out to me as well at